BOLCs Title

Gimbal Clock

Here we see time suspended in 3 dimensions of space; a nice symbol of our sub-space (Orithia).

Something in its Totality does not move, it does not live. But the impression of life and movement can be obtained by selecting a number of dimensions of the Totality for space and one for time and then experiencing what happens to an object in those spatial dimensions as it travels forward along the time axis.

In order to do this we must limit our consciousness to a finite number of dimensions. All conscious creatures do this and are thus termed "Beings Of Limited Consciousness", (BOLCs). The correct name for such creatures is aga1.

We are all aga of degree 3.1, because we are conscious of just 3 dimensions of space and we move in just 1 of time. Our movement in time is set at a constant speed and in one direction only. We cannot see the future and we only have memory of the past.

The particular set of dimensions of space and time chosen define the detectable Universe that the agu inhabits and everything in it, including the agu itself. Such a set of dimensions is known to mathematicians as an n-space or an n-tuple but it in this religion it is called a "Shoku".

Aga of sufficient intelligence have a name for their Shoku. The Shoku we are aware of at the moment is named "Orithia". Orithia is a particular 3.1 (3 space and 1 time) dimensional subspace of Velas. There are an infinite number of 3.1 dimensional subspaces of Velas but only one Orithia.

  1. Agu: (pronounced ah-gu), (aga plural).
    Non-conscious manifestations in a Shoku are termed kala (pronounced kah-lah), kalu (singular)