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Word Pronunciation Meaning Plural
Velas ve-lass Our Universe in its Totality
Shoku sho-koo An n-space, a sub-space of a Universe in its Totality Shoka
Orithia o-rith-ee-ah The Shoku that we are currently aware of
Uru oo-roo A conscious Soul. A conscious entity in its Totality Ura
Malu mah-loo An unconscious Soul. A non-conscious entity in its Totality Ura
agu ah-goo A being of limited consciousness, or the manifestation of a conscious entity in a Shoku aga
kalu kah-loo Manifestation of a non-conscious entity in a Shoku kala
ivu ee-voo An agu in Orithia iva
delu deh-loo A kalu in Orithia iva
tagu tah-goo A conjugate agu, an agu with the same Uru but from a different Shoku taga
talu tah-loo A conjugate kalu, a kalu with the same Uru but from a different Shoku tala
Arda arr-dah The planet Earth in its Totality