The Soul & The Mind Title

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Amara Wahaba Karuna - Soul Spring Flag

As pieces of an infinite Totality we are ourselves infinite, although we are not aware of this. This Totality of ourselves is what is known as our "Soul". We say "our" Soul as though it were a part of us, but it is really us that are part of it.

An object in its totality is known as an Uru1. Because something in its Totality is not alive and cannot think, we do not distinguish between living, non-living, thinking and non-thinking Ura.

Just as each Universe in its Totality is unique, so is each Uru. Each Uru has its own characteristic theme, its own music, its own rationale, and each Uru has its own internal order, though it will manifest differently in different Shoka.

It is not our physical body that is limited by our dimensional awareness but our mind! We don't think quite the same way in Orithia that we do in another Shoku, we don't apprehend quite the same things and we don't quite feel the same. We have limited our mind in order to think and we have limited our awareness in order to live!

Aga, as conscious beings, have a physical organ that handles thought. For humans this is the nervous system. The neurochemical assembly of this organ is the structure of the mind and the patterns of electrical activity within this structure are the thoughts themselves. The combination of these two is what we tend to think of as our essential self; the bit that is separate from our body, the bit that might live on after our body dies, the bit that in previous religions has been referred to as "the soul".

The Mind exists as a frozen infinite chunk of the Totality of the Uru; it exists in all dimensions. When we limit our consciousness to achieve life, what we are doing is identifying only with that part of the Mind that manifests in the Shoku in question. We are saying "I am that mind".

Our mind is a physical manifestation just as our legs are, although it appears to us to exist outside our Shoku. This is an illusion; the thinking, feeling, dreaming, internal theatre is an invention of the mind, a creation of space from nothing, our own piece of godhood, the brilliant construction that makes consciousness possible. In reality it is just a pattern of electrical activity. Its activity changes with time just as the position of our legs do. Imagine what happens if time stops; your thought also stops. What is your mind in the snapshot of an instant but the image of an intent superimposed on a bed of feelings, surrounded by the apprehension of the senses?

Our mind is a thing of consciousness driving a vehicle travelling through space at a steady rate of 1 hour per hour. Our life experience is just that which we sense outside the vehicle, resonating with what we sense within it.

The trick in life is to accept the character of your Soul, your Uru, you can't fight it, it is infinite! By tuning into the music of your Uru you can learn about your own plan and your life will be so much more satisfying and happy when you follow the path that is laid out for you.

Remember that no two Ura are alike and that each person's life plan is different.

Respect other Ura, respect their difference, celebrate their difference!

Respect you own Uru, respect its uniqueness, celebrate its uniqueness!

All things, living and non-living, thinking and non-thinking have a Soul. EVERYTHING! Everything is eternal and infinite.

  1. Uru (pronounced oo roo), (plural Ura).