Coming of Age

21st Key

Finally an adult!

There comes a point in a person's life when they stand on their own two feet and take responsibility for their actions. It needs to be marked, so that the community knows that this person has grown up.

People grow up at varying rates, girls faster than boys and a few simply never grow up. Furthermore, how does anyone know that someone is grown up? In retrospect one can perhaps look back at one's own life and say: That was when I grew up." but the Church needs to mark the occasion at the time, not in retrospect. The simplest thing to do is make it a blanket age of 21.

The ceremony takes place on the 21st birthday itself if possible, or as soon as possible after that if not.

The ceremony is given weight by the fact that new adult chooses a new name for itself at this point.

Actors: The new-adult, its parents, the priest.
Front Row Guests: Relatives and friends of the new-born.
Other Guests: Friends of the family, members of the community.



"Good morning/afternoon etc... Thank you all for coming to such an auspicious occasion etc.

We are gathered here to mark the coming of age of ... This is an auspicious occasion since from this time on you will be treated as an adult by this Church and this community. You will be expected to pull your own weight and be responsible for everything you do.

You will be accorded your say in the running of this Church and community.

From this day on you will be judged without excuse on your actions and treated accordingly.

It is always a joy to welcome a new agu into our community and I remind you all that it is up to us to give this agu every opportunity to make a life for itself that is satisfying in every way. A life that is worth living!"

All sing the Hymn "Part Of The Community".


The priest: "Step forward ..."

The priest: "In token of full membership on this community and the respect and responsibility that goes with it you may chose your own name. What name do you chose for yourself?"

The new adult: "I chose the name(s)1 ...

The new adult: "I chose them because ..."

  1. The new adult may choose any names it wishes, including a new surname. It may retain any names it had as a child. More than 4 names in total is frowned upon. Preferably names should be no more than 3 syllables each.