The Commandments

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Burnt into stone by the power of the Uru: The Commandments of the Karimath!

Respect All Ura

Since all other things, living and non-living, are eternal and infinite it behoves us to respect them and their place in the shining order. All other commandments flow from this one.

When one respects another's Soul one feels good in one's heart. This is one's own Soul assuring you that this is the right action. When one respects other Ura one finds understanding and appreciation.

The goal of our society should be to optimise the happiness of all aga and kala.

This means that the happiness of ordinary people, of animals, of trees, of oceans is far more important than the amount of money in the system. Wealth may contribute to the happiness of some humans but it will not guarantee it, and it certainly hasn't helped the happiness of non-humans so far.

Fix Our Problems Ourselves

Since there is no heaven that will be supplied to us from without, it behoves us to make a heaven for ourselves in Orithia, and indeed in all Shoka. No super being is going to come and do the hard work for us.

We are intelligent and resourceful creatures. We have the power to order our lands and devices for the fulfillment of all things. Surely we have the power to preserve our world and make ourselves happy!

Cherish Our World

The incredible, beautiful and diverse world that was our heritage 5,000 years ago has been massively harmed, most of it in the last 100 years. It must be protected!

The preservation and happiness of plants and animals depends on a very large area of clean habitat supplied with the right climate. And representative preservation demands a large variety of such areas. Furthermore, biodiversity being the complex network that it is, these sanctuaries must be pristine as far as possible, must be kept relatively undisturbed and must be repaired if necessary.

Cherish Humanity

The happiness of humans requires a more complex environment than that of lower life forms, we need to be stimulated and satisfied socially, sexually, emotionally, intellectually, occupationally, physically, familiarly and artistically.

Social satisfaction requires a tolerant, supportive society that will take the time to get to know and appreciate the individual for what he/she is, not try to turn him/her into a machine.

Sexual satisfaction requires a confident loving society where people are not hung up or ashamed of what they are, where people take the time to enjoy pleasure without feeling they have to perform, and where people are not afraid of what other people are.

Emotional satisfaction requires a society that is not ashamed of being human, with all its imperfections and ugliness as well as its sublime beauty and grace. Feelings should not be repressed and emotions of all kinds should be valued.

Intellectual satisfaction requires a society that values science above religion, evidence over rhetoric, art higher than regulations and the brilliant ahead of the mundane. People must be free to pursue any line of thought they wish, and without having to have some functionary looking over their shoulder. Furthermore, an intellectually healthy society requires education; broad based and freely available to all.

Occupational satisfaction requires that all humans be given the opportunity, within reason, to pursue their chosen occupation. This doesn't mean that the incompetent be allowed to hang out a shingle, but they should at least be allowed to sit the exam.

Physical satisfaction requires the optimisation of the health of the population. This comes about with proper health education, salubrious environment, appropriate food, suitable exercise and quality health care available to all.

Familial satisfaction requires that families, as the prime child creating and raising unit, be valued and supported by society. This does not mean that humans have the right to over-populate, but neither should we allow ourselves to vanish completely.

Artistic satisfaction requires the fostering of all forms of art and those who wish to be artists. Art seldom pays for itself in financial terms and should not be expected to. It is the soul of the culture and should be valued as such! The talented should be fostered ahead of the mediocre, whether they be politically correct or not.

Cherish Our Culture

The great and diverse cultural heritage of the peoples of the world should be preserved and enhanced. The music, languages, literature, crafts, artwork and food that is our heritage from the last 5,000 years should be kept alive as far as possible. The destructive imposition of cheap plastic culture imposed by big business must be resisted!

Protect The Future

The Ura of the future are just as important as the Ura of today and they MUST be considered when making any major decision with long-term consequences. Our grandchildren will not excuse us for ruining their water supply or raising the temperature to excessive levels. Short term views may suit investors but they are not appropriate for the custodians of this planet and its cultures.

Let The People Rule

Democracy not dictatorship. This doesn't mean that a government should be allowed to descend into chaos, but the people should at least be able to elect a representative parliament.

Create Rather Than Destroy

It is much more difficult to build something than it is to tear it down... but it is by creating that we have carved our place among the gods and improved our lives. Any fool can wield a sledge hammer but to wield a pen takes thought, inspiration and skill. It took considerably more time and resources to put a man on the moon than it did to destroy Hiroshima, even though both were difficult projects, but without doubt mankind has been far better served by the latter.

Be Careful With War

War is abhorrent, but at times it may be necessary:

For these reasons we should maintain a military force but it must never be allowed to control society. Wars of conquest are unacceptable.

If the day comes when there is no longer any possible need, then the military should be disbanded.

Don't Be Arrogant

It is not for us to decide that we are more important in the grand scheme than others. Your life is no more important than those to come. The notion that one is more important than everyone else is the source of much sin. It is arrogance that allows people to countenance the harming of others for their own gain, and this is the definition of Evil.

Your business enterprise is not necessarily more important than people, plants or animals, neither is your religion, nor your culture, nor your race!

So don't hurt others, (either directly or indirectly), unless you have a good reason. As a general rule: don't murder, don't rape, don't torture, don't steal, don't threaten, don't feed people's addictions, respect animals and don't hurt the environment.